Project Partners
California American Water Company
California State Coastal Conservancy
National Marine Fisheries Service
Project Websites
California American Water Project Website
California Coastal Conservancy Project Website
Carmel River
Carmel River Flows
San Clemente Dam Fish Counter
USFWS Recovery Plan for the Red Legged Frog
General Dam Removal
Elwha Dam Removal Project, Elwha River, Washington (in progress)
Penobscot Dam, Penobscot River, Maine (pending)
Marmot Dam Removal, Sandy River, Oregon (completed)
Savage Rapids, Gold Hill, and Gold Ray dam removals, Rogue River, Oregon (completed)
Milltown Dam Removal, Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers, Montana (completed)
Chiloquin Dam Removal, Sprague River, Oregon (completed)
Hemlock Dam Removal, Trout Creek, Washington (completed)
Simkins Dam Removal (completed) and Bloede Dam Removal (pending), Patapsco River, Maryland
Condit Dam Removal, White Salmon River, Washington (pending)
Klamath Dam Removals, Oregon & California (pending)
Matilija Dam Removal, California (pending)
Dam Removal Research
American Rivers Dam Removal Page